Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is fake?

Well, after having a heated discussion about what is and what isn't fake, which ended in A-Lers being called noobs and such, I realize how much that can be tied in to real life.

Everyone has their different opinions and in some cases would do anything to defend their friends, or the people they're somewhat associated with.

No one stands alone these days, and that's why the bullying is increasing. People think now if they have a large enough group of friends to handle the job, they're set and ready to take on whoever they don't like. It's not fair, it's not even game, and if you have grief with someone, sort it out yourself. This is yours and their fight. There is hardly any need for you to drag in your friends to help fight your battles because really your just a pathetic little person who can't think for themselves.

Stardoll's a lot like that in many aspects.

When someone is in a fight with someone, a lot of the time friends are involved and sides are picked between friends and it tears them apart.
The friends like to be involved, because they feel now they're a part of it and what ever happens next also includes them and is angled at them. They want drama.

My advice, start your own and get your fat, ugly, crooked nose out of everyone else's business.
This doesn't include you, even if you may want to think it does. No one cares about what your going to say in this fight because no one gives a flying fuck about you and this has nothing to do with your bored ass.

It just really 'grinds my gears' when people can't fight their own battles.

Well, that's basically all I have to say for today.

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